Game ID conficts + Solving HDD (SATA) problems #

I now connected the SATA hard disk drive to the Raspberry Pi 3 using a different (better) SATA to USB adapter. Hopefully that will solve the problem, so the site won’t go offline unexpectedly anymore. 🙂

Game ID conflicts

The new range of games uploaded on IndieMendable starts at 229673 (Plants by Yambam) and the latest game is currently 229679 (Carnage), though maybe I missed some game files that needed to be moved to their new game ID. So my question for you is, are there still any games that can’t be downloaded or missing some comments/screenshots. Then I just need to change their ‘place’ ID, you can recognize this problem when a PHP error shows up (I hope not though), or when you see the following message: “Missing game information (I just need the number that follows between parentheses like these)” or “Missing information”


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