GameMaker Sandbox

Hi there everyone! So I’m making a new website for uploading GameMaker games. 🙂 I started working on it in October.

What do you think of the website, at the moment? Post your thoughts here. What would you like to see on this website? Improvements, suggestions, etc. Remember, the site isn’t done yet, basic functions like uploading games, posting comments are (of course) being made. After that, a forum will also be made.

Thank you for coming to this website. 😀

Please note that this website isn’t created by YoYoGames. View my profile here: Yambam.

18 responses to “GameMaker Sandbox”

  1. ShatterGames says:

    Keep up the good work. I check in on this website from time to time to see if its functional. You have a good shot with getting some traffic, especially since the yoyogames sandbox is now broken.

    I lost my password and cant get it back. It would be nice if there was some way to retrieve passwords vie email.

    What do you think the eta is on when we can post games?

    • Yambam says:

      Hello Shatter. 🙂 The “forgot password” function is almost done now. I’m going to work on it again as soon as I’m done with my homework…

      I think posting games will be possible within a few weeks. I’ve setup the databases for comments and games already. 🙂

    • Yambam says:

      Shatter, you are now able to change your password with the link at the log in page. 😉

      • ShatterGames says:

        I requested a password change but I never got the email

        • Yambam says:

          Oops. Sorry about that, Shatter. I checked the mail server logs, the mail server was probably switched off when you used it. I repeated the email and it’s sent now (I checked the logs again).

          I really need to improve the mail system… I’ll add a queue where emails, that failed to send, would be stored to be sent later.

          • ShatterGames says:

            Awesome! it worked. I was able to log in.

            Question. So when the website goes down does that mean you are updating it, or does it mean you are hosting it on your computer? …and you turned it off.

          • Yambam says:

            It’s because I’m hosting it on the computer in the room and it’s not turned on 24/7. I should port the web server over to a new computer… Maybe I’ll do that this week. 🙂

            The time zone here is UTC+1 (click the link to see the time here). Most of the time it’s online between 6:50 and 22:30.

        • Yambam says:

          P.S. The email says “expires in 48 hours” but I’ve lengthened it. 😉

  2. 3 Wiki says:

    This site is AWESOME! Im so glad someone is making a new YYG 😀 I cant wait until its fully up! Good luck!

  3. AMK-Games says:

    When is coming add friend option? and uploading games? 😀 waiting
    thanks for site 🙂

  4. AMK-Games says:

    Hi Yambam, Problem:Register is not working.
    Thanks 😀

  5. AMK-Games says:

    This Error Occurd:

    An error occurred:

    Field ‘stay_logged_in_ip’ doesn’t have a default value

  6. AMK-Games says:

    Oh thanks 😀

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