YoYo Games Archive

Visit our YoYo Games Archive using the link at the top-right of the site. The archive works like this:

  • You can browse the saved pages, like you would browse the original website before it was taken down.
  • You can search games using the search box, which has been made fully functional (except for the filters, like categories and stuff).
  • Unsaved pages are searched for on the WayBack Machine. And when found they get saved on our servers too.
  • Download games. This works as long as the game hasn’t been skipped because of a bug in ArchiveTeam’s script (only happened a few times).

The archive looks like this:

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-09 op 22.19.57

Don’t confuse the archive with the index, which is another feature of IndieMendable. When searching using our site’s search feature and switching to the YoYo Games Index at the left, you get the refreshed game page which generally loads faster than the archive:

Schermafbeelding 2016-06-09 op 22.20.11

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