New Changelog++ page is coming!

Hello everyone,

So I thought, it’s time to get started on the IndieMendable project again! I was making a very handy online utility for tracking bugs on my other project and now there’s a green page for IndieMendable too. It combines a to-do list with a changelog and bug tracker and everything! It’s called Changelog++ for now, but awaiting a name change.

Check it out! What would you think of it if I made IndieMendable have more green like this page for example? Let me know on the new page! 😀

3 responses to “New Changelog++ page is coming!”

  1. Abdulmatin, Matin Studios says:

    Notice: Undefined index: etag in /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/changelog.php on line 45

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Sabre\VObject\EofException’ with message ‘End of document reached prematurely’ in /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php:296 Stack trace: #0 /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php(150): Sabre\VObject\Parser\MimeDir->readLine() #1 /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php(89): Sabre\VObject\Parser\MimeDir->parseDocument() #2 /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Reader.php(46): Sabre\VObject\Parser\MimeDir->parse(Resource id #6, 0) #3 /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/changelog.php(50): Sabre\VObject\Reader::read(Resource id #6) #4 {main} thrown in /media/seagate/htdocs/imanuelhab/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib/Parser/MimeDir.php on line 296

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