Gamewolf10 Offline
Name: Richard
Age: 26
Location: Oregon

Who am I?
A game designer that knows some Game Maker Language and knows a bit more of multiplayer gml coding if any. I use Game Maker 8.1 or Game Maker Studio for my game projects.

Have a howling time ^-^

Registered: 28 October 2016

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Ah, after all these years I am back.

Glad to be back to indiemendables. :)

@YamBam: Oh ya I saw that.

Hey, I quoted your post on @Truttle1's profile, because I remember I didn't finish notifications for mentions using @. xD

Oh ok, ya i'll be sure to follow it at somepoint.

As you could see the current site has some ineffecies; i.e. there's some work to do. :-)

I'll try to improve the search page and add some new stuff in a few weeks, or when I have some free time. You could follow the Changelog++ page for the latest features. :)


Welcome to the site! :D

Games by this creator
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A simple game
By Gamewolf10
  • Rating: 4/5.
Comments by this member

Ah, after all these years I am back.

Might fix that later on. As I have other projects to work on in game maker.

The game will not work anymore as they kinda shut my account down due to inactivity...

Glad to be back to indiemendables. :)


@YamBam: Oh ya I saw that.

@Truttle1: You would have to put a version number in like yourgamename1.0.1.exe or some other number.

Thanks I suppose. It's a very simple game although I do pretty good with other games I created.

It's nice to meet ya.


Welcome. ^-^

I had alot of sonic games since I bought the sonic bundle on steam. I first played Sonic Generation which was fun. :D

You're welcome.

Welcome. ^-^

Weird how there is only two screenshots that are visible but the first one isn't showing...

Hello! :D

Oh ok, ya i'll be sure to follow it at somepoint.


Kinda closed the game on accident but good game though. I'll be planning on beating the game if I really have time. :)