Game Maker Spiral
Age: 23
Location: Sunt
Working on some cool tunes with mah keyboard :D
I remember you from the sandbox, you probably don't remember me though. Welcome :)
Awesome game, needs a little more to do though. The combat gets boring after a little bit ;)
Hey shaddovv, idk if you remember me but I played your game slimie online and LOVED it :)
@Peggy Sue you could make it a bit like Balland battles if you ever played that back on the old sandbox, it has the same feel to it :D
This is pretty sick :D
Its probably fixed in the update I made tonight though, I haven't uploaded that yet. Its a new login page thing.
Wow you were lagging for me like crazy, probably because your from the Netherlands and Im from the US lol
Thanks xD that was very hard for me for some reason hahaha
and also the game file stuff still wont work lol
can you just delete the whole thing so I can re-upload it?
I love that font so much, I'm now using it in Fortune xD
I have a login system worked out, now I need to fix some syncing errors and I will have most of the very basic structures of the game complete, I have a lot of variables and such set out and run across the server ready for the game. If you ever want to make an online game, its a little extension that has most of the networking stuff simplified somewhat and also the guy who made it runs his own servers and has it automatically run through it. :)
It closes instantly whenever I open the file :/
What am I supposed to do? The file remade itself but it still won't work when I put the new game file in and remove the old one...
Ok, this is probably one of the coolest things I have seen done with physics, I love it! did you use the built in physics system for studio or just program up your own stuff? very cool either way. I also love how HD it is, I haven't seen a lot of game maker games take advantage of that :)
@yambam Yeah, I don't have it done so I just threw the link there lol. And how do you delete a game? I was trying to reupload a different file and can't get it to work.
Whats the goal of this game? haha either way its very entertaining xD
@yambam the websites done for the time being.
I have a problem in your private messaging system, whenever I delete a message it redirects to the deleted messages area, which makes it really annoying to delete multiple messages. Is there any way you could add mass message deleting or some way you can delete messages easier? and also, I was wondering if you could redo the site a tiny bit and make it so instead of the classic YoYogames style with the comments you've made on the right, and comments on your profile on the left, you could make it a bit like twitter and on the right there is a feed of people who have commented at you and your comments to other people, so it would kind of meld the right and the left bar. Idk if I really explained that very well, and Idk if its possible or if you'd even want the site like that, but it would be cool just saying :P
Two other smaller things that may be cool is a banner for your profile, and instead of having everything for your profile on the left having your profile information spanning the top with your banner and an avatar overlaying the banner and your description etc next to that.
The second thing I think ace pointed out a while ago was a badge system where if you win contests or just get awards for being a nice member they can be showcased on your profile and one can be showcasted next to your avatar or name or something. Thanks for taking your time to read this huge thing, and sorry if it sounded like nonsense or if these are stupid suggestions, just trying to throw some things out there that might be cool.
@Shatter what? I meant just the simple code of screen_save(working_directory + "\Screens\Screen_"+string(num)+".png") but I didn't really feel like putting that in if I would just remove it later lol
@yambam yeah I'm still working on it, should be kinda ready by tomorrow or tonight :)
Genius idea, I don't have any 3D glasses though :(
@Shatter yes the graphics are custom, and the screenshots is because I made it in studio and I'm to lazy to write the code to redirect it to the desktop xD
this is awesome, I don't even want to think about how you did it it hurts my brain xD
very nice, its kinda weird with the people talking in the background though lol
This game is so glitchy, and why does water kill you? lol anyways pretty entertaining for a while :)
press 0 to cycle through the 3 characters, and click to attack. WASD to move around.
PS the attacking animation messes up a bunch, I have that fixed for a future version though :D
great game, it really needs to have a lowered limit on the screen shake if there is a limit at all, it really shakes a lot at points. Otherwise very fun little game :D
Ok I got it to work, I signed out of my account and logged back in and it was fine, I didn't really notice you said that before lol
I saved my password when I tried to log in earlier, that could have screwed with it?
Hey I can't log into the forums with my information from this site, and I also can't register with my information from this site, please help I really love a good ol' forum :P
thanks, and no problem :) it would be cool if in the future you added a reply feature by the way ;)
Cool game but I have no idea how to play lol
Hey I wanted to delete it before, but I forgot about it. xD It's gone now!
Sure you want to delete your game? You just received a comment right? xD
(Just for confirmation!)
Sup? xD How's your game going?
Yes, i think i do! Thanks for playing!
What up jot? So the tree physics game I uploaded is now working, if you want to check it out
(It all got stretched out or something.)
More like, my computer was lagging, because of the room size. xD
I changed the filename for you again. xD
It was all working before you changed the game to WIP two minutes ago! xD
And add Beta to the filename.
Now all you have to do is change the version number in the game info to 0.5a instead of 0.5, to make it download the correct file. :)
Whoops, wrong account. Changed it!
Yes we decided to make an account to upload the game I made together with my 7-year-old sister, who threw all the ideas and drew some of the graphics. Like the heart on the door and the main character. :)
EDIT: Again! xD
Did you try putting it in the folder named Fortune? You can't put it in your drive directly.
I'm still working on notifications, when that's done, I'll do the multiple delete function. :)
P.S. Instead of shared links, you actually put links to my own Dropbox on your site. xD
Yeah I'll add the badges when Jams get started... I'll need someone who'll be able to organize those though. I could make banners straight away. And yeah maybe a Twitter style theme would be possible too, the option would be at the bottom of the page again. :D
@yambam the websites done for the time being.
I have a problem in your private messaging system, whenever I delete a message it redirects to the deleted messages area, which makes it really annoying to delete multiple messages. Is there any way you could add mass message deleting or some way you can delete messages easier? and also, I was wondering if you could redo the site a tiny bit and make it so instead of the classic YoYogames style with the comments you've made on the right, and comments on your profile on the left, you could make it a bit like twitter and on the right there is a feed of people who have commented at you and your comments to other people, so it would kind of meld the right and the left bar. Idk if I really explained that very well, and Idk if its possible or if you'd even want the site like that, but it would be cool just saying :P
Two other smaller things that may be cool is a banner for your profile, and instead of having everything for your profile on the left having your profile information spanning the top with your banner and an avatar overlaying the banner and your description etc next to that.
The second thing I think ace pointed out a while ago was a badge system where if you win contests or just get awards for being a nice member they can be showcased on your profile and one can be showcasted next to your avatar or name or something. Thanks for taking your time to read this huge thing, and sorry if it sounded like nonsense or if these are stupid suggestions, just trying to throw some things out there that might be cool.
@yambam yeah I'm still working on it, should be kinda ready by tomorrow or tonight :)
Your website is empty for me.
Yeah I'm going to remaster it once I found the right audio cable. :)
The website's new functions are first priority though. Gotta fix the 10 stuck notifications in the top-right.
I just added my SoundCloud to my description. Do you want to check it out? :D
No it doesn't work yet, I'm going to make it tomorrow. I'm also working on my own 10 music compositions, so those will get published tomorrow. :D
@yambam sweet, is it working or no?
@Jot I made this reference thing, now I just need to make notifications work cross-profile...
Awesome that it works now. I was worried because I already released it when it didn't work for you. :)
Weird. I tested it in both Firefox and Chrome, also using my brother's account, what browser are you using?
And first log out, log in again.
Whoops, I switched it off when the forums were still crashed. It's working now, though you still need to refresh your page. :)
Just refresh ya page. There's auto login on the forums. :)
If you have any more suggestions, consider posting them here while I'm implementing the reply function:
I'm adding your reply suggestion at the moment. :)
Sorry I removed some of your comments by accident...
Awesome GIF Jot! :)