Yambam (Administrator) Offline
Name: Imanuel Habekotte
Age: 23
Location: The Netherlands


☀☀☀ Special characters! ☀☀☀


Registered: 12 October 2014

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Hey! How is it going?

Hey sorry for the late reply, yes I would :)

Yes I will come back

Hey! Sorry for being inactive and thanks for wishing me on my birthday. :)

Hey, could you delete my game for me please? thank you :)

@Truttle1: You would have to put a version number in like yourgamename1.0.1.exe or some other number.

How do I update my game files?

Yes! :D

Pretty Good, School is okay


Thanks for fixing game uploader. :)

If you use /stuck in chat you can get out :)

Thanks for the comment, yes i did and it seems fixed :)

Hey my game 'Cell-arium' was removed! :(

Okay I'll give that a shot next time.

@Yambam Yo, the whole game files thing doesn't work for me. The website only lets me look threw one random file on my computer and doesn't let me navigate my whole computer. Only can you remove my old version of tree physics, because I cannot

Its probably fixed in the update I made tonight though, I haven't uploaded that yet. Its a new login page thing.

thats weird... :/

its just 1080p, my computer handles it no problem :P

Wow you were lagging for me like crazy, probably because your from the Netherlands and Im from the US lol

Want to try logging in and testing it out with me? :)

Thanks xD that was very hard for me for some reason hahaha

and also the game file stuff still wont work lol
can you just delete the whole thing so I can re-upload it?

I love that font so much, I'm now using it in Fortune xD
I have a login system worked out, now I need to fix some syncing errors and I will have most of the very basic structures of the game complete, I have a lot of variables and such set out and run across the server ready for the game. If you ever want to make an online game, its a little extension that has most of the networking stuff simplified somewhat and also the guy who made it runs his own servers and has it automatically run through it. gamemakerserver.com :)

it still downloads the wrong game...

Is there any way to change the game file and/or deleate a uploaded game because I cannot figure out how

What am I supposed to do? The file remade itself but it still won't work when I put the new game file in and remove the old one...

I accidentally deleted it... xD

@yambam Yeah, I don't have it done so I just threw the dropbox.com link there lol. And how do you delete a game? I was trying to reupload a different file and can't get it to work.

New "Piano Track": Song 01 [REMASTERED].

(Still haven't called it anything yet...)

New favicon/bookmark icon. :)

Not yet but soon. Clickable links, Cool! :D

thanks but a my game does not deserve to be featured so yeah let's be a little tougher when featuring games...

I don't want to be annoying...but there is no featured banner next to my game!

Can't come up with a game to create, this time I want it to be small, maybe something like one of those Black Box NES games.

very nice, its kinda weird with the people talking in the background though lol

@yambam sweet, is it working now?

Hey Yambam, are you going to advertise the website/grow it?

That was it

Yo YamBam. Some of the games I uploaded just stay in the (uploading stage) not sure if I made a mistake of if the site glitched.

Awesome, it is like 100% times faster!

Yeah bro, very cool website. Just like yoyogames but better. It is a little slow though. What is the plan?

Ok I got it to work, I signed out of my account and logged back in and it was fine, I didn't really notice you said that before lol

I saved my password when I tried to log in earlier, that could have screwed with it?

it still does nothing xD

it still doesn't log me in :/

Hey I can't log into the forums with my information from this site, and I also can't register with my information from this site, please help I really love a good ol' forum :P

Also this place has become a little creepy...Some games are from the sandbox...and they have no profiles...maybe you could delete these and make a little easter egg out of this thing.

Sure I'll check it out!Also if you could add a 'New games',we could check
games easier!

thanks, and no problem :) it would be cool if in the future you added a reply feature by the way ;)

Finally games!

Games by this creator
By Yambam
  • Rating: 0/5.
Jumper Engine
By Yambam
  • Rating: 4.66667/5.
By Yambam
  • Rating: 5/5.
Game Maker IDE
By Yambam
  • Rating: 5/5.
By Yambam
  • Rating: 0/5.
By Yambam
  • Rating: 5/5.
Favorite games
Jumper Three
By YoMamasMama
  • Rating: 3.42077/5.
Jumper Two
By YoMamasMama
  • Rating: 3.00673/5.
By gameslayer001
  • Rating: 3.85869/5.
By Mystmoir
  • Rating: 5/5.
Super Duck Hunt
By alex-rus07
  • Rating: 3.45529/5.
Cell-arium: V
By Xeldious
  • Rating: 4/5.
By MichaelSoftware
  • Rating: 4/5.
Tree Physics
By Shatter
  • Rating: 5/5.
A Tripppp To MARS
By Shatter
  • Rating: 4.5/5.
By Xeldious
  • Rating: 4.33333/5.
Recently played games
A Tripppp To MARS
By Shatter
  • Rating: 4.5/5.
Tree Physics
By Shatter
  • Rating: 5/5.
Jumper Engine
By Yambam
  • Rating: 4.66667/5.
By Yambam
  • Rating: 5/5.
Comments by this member

Hello Matin! Are you receiving this?

Hey, I'm fine! How about you? :)

Hey I wanted to delete it before, but I forgot about it. xD It's gone now!

That would be awesome. :D

Yes I got a message from Twitter on your birthday. xD

Hey that's no problem. Glad to see you back though! :)

Sure you want to delete your game? You just received a comment right? xD

(Just for confirmation!)

Welcome newcomer! :D

Happy birthday! :D

I like it! I think I'll have to understand what's going on until I can fully enjoy it though. :)

Basically, remember to change your version number in the "Game info" section above!

Hey, I quoted your post on @Truttle1's profile, because I remember I didn't finish notifications for mentions using @. xD

@Truttle1: You would have to put a version number in like yourgamename1.0.1.exe or some other number.


Yes exactly like this. You may put any number before the .exe extension.

gamename-version.exe Game name version.exe
pixelplanet-1.1.0.exe   Pixel Planet 1.1.0.exe
pixelplanet-2.exe   Pixel Planet 2.exe

I'm also a Sonic fan and my little sister makes lots of drawings of Sonic and Eggman. xD

Lol! Nice username you have :D

As you could see the current site has some ineffecies; i.e. there's some work to do. :-)

I'll try to improve the search page and add some new stuff in a few weeks, or when I have some free time. You could follow the Changelog++ page for the latest features. :)

Welcome to the site! :D

Wow, your avatar moves now! :D

Hi Abdulmatin! :) Could you maybe visit this link sometimes? Maybe you have an idea for new IndieMendable? :D http://gamemaker.mooo.com/blog/?p=83

Hello ForbiddenLegend! How are you?

Anyway, I think I fixed the game file uploader.

Is there already any option to save the game? Or are you working in it? :)

Sorry for letting the website go offline unexpectedly. We need to look for a better suited adapter to give power to the hard disk drive. :)

I think you need to clear your browser cookies then. Or maybe you need to the Control + F5. Anyway I logged you (and all users) out now, so maybe that will solve the problem.

Hey could you take a look at your game's edit page? I think I fixed it now.

Hey Tyler. I see you are online. B-)

This game looks so pretty! Who did the art? :)

Looking forward to the next update. :D

P.S. I fixed your game's header, it only showed the black part of it. xD

I sent you a PM. I haven't made email notifications yet, so I'll just comment here. :)

Hey Xeldious! Are you coming back some time again? Your game has been fixed by the way. :)

Wow I really like the game and the feel it has to it. I think I'm in the third stage now, where the girl stops me from leaving the place and makes me search for Tahbitha. (I hope I spelled that correctly. xD)

I left a note in your game folder. The new screenshots/images look great by the way, I'll give it a try right a way! :D

I'm also adding the YoYo Games archive script to GitHub now.

I fixed the "Direct access files issue" using if (!defined('indiemendable')) statements, just need to commit the files on GitHub now. :)

I have no idea why the Simple Machines forums' MySQL databases keep crashing, I just kept importing the backup .sql files, because letting MariaDB repairing always fails (previously I had the same problem with Oracle MySQL), but that makes the forums unusable for getting help with programming.

Hello Niels, I'm going to look at the issue you posted on GitHub this afternoon and commit lots of stuff from earlier afternoons I didn't commit yet. :)

I'm also working on this thing for use in class rooms for learning basic programming. I built a very basic GML interpreter for it, but it isn't working yet. http://reevaluate.mooo.com/

Could you please upload the new files by clicking the new "Edit" button (previously only in the "My games" section of the share page, I'll adjust the buttons to the center tomorrow BTW) and drag your thumbnail and header picture files in a new folder called "Screenshots" inside your own game folder and then drag your game's executable file directly into the game folder?

I fixed the upload for future game authors the day you uploaded it, I actually didn't know it didn't work already yet, since the Linux partition (EXT4) takes into account file/folder permissions and Windows partitions (FAT32) simply do not and allow access to put files in any folder. :)

Actually this part of the website doesn't use BBCode (which actually doesn't allow HTML, but it's also got more extra features like marquees, colors, background colors, etc.), but Markdown, very similar to this: http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1777/what-html-tags-are-allowed-on-stack-exchange-sites

I agree with your opinion on iframe, so now it's not there anymore, now I'm using the Stack Overflow website's same allowed HTML tags.

I don't know how to fix the position: fixed; CSS thing at the moment though. Could you remove it from your description for now maybe? It's a bit distracting. :D

Wikipedia does allow style="position: fixed" on their user pages by the way, so maybe it'd be nice to make it available here too. :)

I fixed most of the script tag things by using the strip_tags function. These are the tags I allow at the moment. Any suggestions?


A code block in the comments is defined by a so called tilde fence (a line filled with ~, before and after the code) from Markdown by the way. ;)

WOW ik moet dit snel oplossen. Ik wordt er duizelig van. xDD

Haha! I need to put a restriction on <script> too now I see. xD

Hey I see your profile picture didn't get uploaded successfully... it was my fault, I made a small typo in the register script. x)

Welcome Kurt! :)

Welcome both! :)

@Shaddovv Of course! More extensibility is coming for plugins, so I hope seeing some people make plugins for it, like searching in scripts, an animation editor and a 3D editor (I could add those in natively later).

Though first I need to make .gmk export work correctly. :)

BTW, I'm working on a version of the IDE in ENIGMA, so I can export it to Linux and Mac. I already made a version using GM:Studio for Android, but it's a little too buggy and hard to use on mobile, so it's not going to be my main project.

Aart, the website is now translated into Dutch! Come back. Please? :)

Did you forget about this site, Aart? :)

What do you think of the site? I also uploaded the Jukebox. :D

Hallo Aart. Dankjewel dat je een account hebt gemaakt haha. :-)

Hello Shaddovv, I'm working on the Dutch version of IndieMendable! Would you like to try it and see if there are any improvements? :D

Welcome Shaddovv! Just a question, have you had any problems logging in? Yesterday evening something went wrong with the connection between the site and the forums.

Welcome Garoslaw! It's always nice to see new members coming in...


This looks delicious!

Welcome to the site Nexusrex! :)

Your game is back! I added a bloody font to the description. Do you like it? :)

Just FYI, I have all the screenshots and files, only the description of Cell-arium is missing. And I forgot Nexusrex in my previous comment.

The website has been quite a mess as you probably already have noticed! I'm almost done restoring stuff, but the problem is I lost all comments and game data that was posted after 18 August, when Jot commented on PinkMan.

I know the site has been offline for quite a while now (almost a month!), so to give you something back for waiting so long, I'll make lots of new features again, like an online GameMaker (editor)! And restore Shatter's latest game and Slime Online 2. (I'll have to do without their original game description text.)

Sorry about that! I'm working on it, I have the screenshots and the .exe file, so maybe I'll take the game description from your topic on the YYG forums if you agree. :)

Version 1.2

Notable changes:

  • Waveform display behind track info.
  • Improved enlarged album cover viewer.

Maybe next time you should try drag and dropping the file into the browser, instead of using the upload button.

Haha very nice! I like the physics and the way the tree moves with the mouse. :D

Go to Share, then click the yellow pencil under one of your games. There you can view your own game storage. Now simply drop your new game in the correct folder.

Add your new game's version (e.g. "1.1.0") at the end of the filename. Last but not least, don't forget to change the game information's version too!

(It all got stretched out or something.)

More like, my computer was lagging, because of the room size. xD

Nice it works! :D

I changed the filename for you again. xD

It was all working before you changed the game to WIP two minutes ago! xD

You changed the game's info to Beta, without changing the filename to Beta. :)

Same as Jot. :(


And add Beta to the filename.

Now all you have to do is change the version number in the game info to 0.5a instead of 0.5, to make it download the correct file. :)

BTW, look what I found!


Thanks. It probably looks HD because I used the thin version of the Open Sans font. :)

Whoops, wrong account. Changed it!

Yes we decided to make an account to upload the game I made together with my 7-year-old sister, who threw all the ideas and drew some of the graphics. Like the heart on the door and the main character. :)

EDIT: Again! xD

Did you try putting it in the folder named Fortune? You can't put it in your drive directly.

New "Piano Track": Song 01 [REMASTERED].

(Still haven't called it anything yet...)

I'm still working on notifications, when that's done, I'll do the multiple delete function. :)

P.S. Instead of shared links, you actually put links to my own Dropbox on your site. xD

New favicon/bookmark icon. :)

Yeah I'll add the badges when Jams get started... I'll need someone who'll be able to organize those though. I could make banners straight away. And yeah maybe a Twitter style theme would be possible too, the option would be at the bottom of the page again. :D

And please add http:// to your description links to make them clickable. :)

Version 1.1

Notable changes:

  • Better file format support, now can play any MP3 I tested.
  • Faster music library loading time.
  • Growl playback notifications, so you get a message when a new song is being played! (Tip: try the Visor display in Growl!)

Don't worry it's now got a nice place on the home page which otherwise would be empty. ;)

Now there is. :)

Do you have any games to upload? :)

Hee hoe gaat het Cat? :)

What do you think of the site? I also uploaded the Jukebox. :D

Hallo Aart. Dankjewel dat je een account hebt gemaakt haha. :-)

Hey welcome again! :)

@Jot Haha thank you! Did you use it on your own music library? :)

@Jot @Shatter Fixed the screenshots for you!

Your website http://rredd.red/ is empty for me.

Yeah I'm going to remaster it once I found the right audio cable. :)

The website's new functions are first priority though. Gotta fix the 10 stuck notifications in the top-right.

I just added my SoundCloud to my description. Do you want to check it out? :D

No it doesn't work yet, I'm going to make it tomorrow. I'm also working on my own 10 music compositions, so those will get published tomorrow. :D

Sure. I already started on Twitter and on the ENIGMA forums, but this is also a good one: (http://gamemaker.mooo.com/help).

If I look into the log files, you went through the upload process 5 times, but if I see your profile only 3 have files uploaded.

Are you sure you didn't get any 'errors' after uploading the other two?

It's done! We're now on VDSL, which makes the loading time of the home page 2 seconds, making us faster than 67% of websites on the internet! :D

Wow this was super fun! :D Did you do all the graphics? How long did the project take?

@Jot I made this reference thing, now I just need to make notifications work cross-profile...

Awesome that it works now. I was worried because I already released it when it didn't work for you. :)

Thanks! Well coincidentally the plan was that we get VDSL exactly today, which means faster internet for us and perhaps a faster website for you. :D

Weird. I tested it in both Firefox and Chrome, also using my brother's account, what browser are you using?

And first log out, log in again.

Whoops, I switched it off when the forums were still crashed. It's working now, though you still need to refresh your page. :)

Just refresh ya page. There's auto login on the forums. :)

If you have any more suggestions, consider posting them here while I'm implementing the reply function: http://gamemaker.mooo.com/forums/index.php?board=14.0

I'm adding your reply suggestion at the moment. :)

We made this game together. :)

I put them behind the "YoYo Games Sandbox" link now, so this place shouldn't be as creepy anymore. ^_^

And you can add extra game files like .gmk or .gmz there if you want.

I just added more support for editing games. So that should become easier now. Just press the pencil under the games list in Share. :)

Also, have you tried the forums yet?

Nice little game. Freaky rhymes too! O_O It's a little short though.

Yes! :D

Hello @Jot, I put the controls in the description. :)

Sorry I removed some of your comments by accident...

Awesome GIF Jot! :)