Shatter Offline
Name: Joshua Klepel
Registered: 18 October 2014

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Maybe next time you should try drag and dropping the file into the browser, instead of using the upload button.

Go to Share, then click the yellow pencil under one of your games. There you can view your own game storage. Now simply drop your new game in the correct folder.

Add your new game's version (e.g. "1.1.0") at the end of the filename. Last but not least, don't forget to change the game information's version too!

Sure. I already started on Twitter and on the ENIGMA forums, but this is also a good one: (

If I look into the log files, you went through the upload process 5 times, but if I see your profile only 3 have files uploaded.

Are you sure you didn't get any 'errors' after uploading the other two?

It's done! We're now on VDSL, which makes the loading time of the home page 2 seconds, making us faster than 67% of websites on the internet! :D

Thanks! Well coincidentally the plan was that we get VDSL exactly today, which means faster internet for us and perhaps a faster website for you. :D

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By Peggy Sue
  • Rating: 3.5/5.
Tree Physics
By Shatter
  • Rating: 5/5.
Jumper Engine
By Yambam
  • Rating: 4.66667/5.
By MichaelSoftware
  • Rating: 4/5.
Comments by this member

It has a very nice smooth feel. The graphics balance well with the gameplay through the way the physics merges them together. However, it feels very raw. The depth is wrong in a lot of places (for example the character sitting behind the floor. Hopefully you will be able to iron out these design flaws.

What up jot? So the tree physics game I uploaded is now working, if you want to check it out

@Yambam, Thanks man, I thought you might be interested

Okay I'll give that a shot next time.

@Yambam, @Jot Does the game work for you now? It works for me

@Yambam Yo, the whole game files thing doesn't work for me. The website only lets me look threw one random file on my computer and doesn't let me navigate my whole computer. Only can you remove my old version of tree physics, because I cannot

@Yambam, @Jot I uploaded a new game because I dont know how to change the file, and I dont know how to remove my old game. Can you remove the other one for me. Yambam?

Is there any way to change the game file and/or deleate a uploaded game because I cannot figure out how

Very nice. I understand how difficult programming this type of stuff is. I actually was working on something that resembled this in concept, and I thought I would show it to you. Check out my latest upload, and tell me what you think. Note the cutting feature. (right mb)

@Jot What do you mean to lazing to write the code to redirect it to desktop? All you have to do is hit PrintSysRq and paste in Ms Word

You need to use Red-Blue-3D-Glasses to see the affect

This is a good start to a game. I would like to see real screenshots on this page. The graphics are nice, are they custom?

Hey Yambam, are you going to advertise the website/grow it?

That was it

Yo YamBam. Some of the games I uploaded just stay in the (uploading stage) not sure if I made a mistake of if the site glitched.

I made it for a YoYoGames competition back in the day, using only original resources made by me. It took about a month to make. I remember vividly when the competition deadline drew near I would dunk my head in water to stay awake at late hours at night, while I tried to get some final coding in.

Awesome, it is like 100% times faster!

Yeah bro, very cool website. Just like yoyogames but better. It is a little slow though. What is the plan?