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Name: Imanuel Habekotte
Age: 23
Location: The Netherlands


☀☀☀ Special characters! ☀☀☀


Registered: 12 October 2014

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Hey! How is it going?

Hey sorry for the late reply, yes I would :)

Yes I will come back

Hey! Sorry for being inactive and thanks for wishing me on my birthday. :)

Hey, could you delete my game for me please? thank you :)

@Truttle1: You would have to put a version number in like yourgamename1.0.1.exe or some other number.

How do I update my game files?

Yes! :D

Pretty Good, School is okay


Thanks for fixing game uploader. :)

If you use /stuck in chat you can get out :)

Thanks for the comment, yes i did and it seems fixed :)

Hey my game 'Cell-arium' was removed! :(

Okay I'll give that a shot next time.

@Yambam Yo, the whole game files thing doesn't work for me. The website only lets me look threw one random file on my computer and doesn't let me navigate my whole computer. Only can you remove my old version of tree physics, because I cannot

Its probably fixed in the update I made tonight though, I haven't uploaded that yet. Its a new login page thing.

thats weird... :/

its just 1080p, my computer handles it no problem :P

Wow you were lagging for me like crazy, probably because your from the Netherlands and Im from the US lol

Want to try logging in and testing it out with me? :)

Thanks xD that was very hard for me for some reason hahaha

and also the game file stuff still wont work lol
can you just delete the whole thing so I can re-upload it?

I love that font so much, I'm now using it in Fortune xD
I have a login system worked out, now I need to fix some syncing errors and I will have most of the very basic structures of the game complete, I have a lot of variables and such set out and run across the server ready for the game. If you ever want to make an online game, its a little extension that has most of the networking stuff simplified somewhat and also the guy who made it runs his own servers and has it automatically run through it. :)

it still downloads the wrong game...

Is there any way to change the game file and/or deleate a uploaded game because I cannot figure out how

What am I supposed to do? The file remade itself but it still won't work when I put the new game file in and remove the old one...

I accidentally deleted it... xD

@yambam Yeah, I don't have it done so I just threw the link there lol. And how do you delete a game? I was trying to reupload a different file and can't get it to work.

New "Piano Track": Song 01 [REMASTERED].

(Still haven't called it anything yet...)

New favicon/bookmark icon. :)

Not yet but soon. Clickable links, Cool! :D

thanks but a my game does not deserve to be featured so yeah let's be a little tougher when featuring games...

I don't want to be annoying...but there is no featured banner next to my game!

Can't come up with a game to create, this time I want it to be small, maybe something like one of those Black Box NES games.

very nice, its kinda weird with the people talking in the background though lol

@yambam sweet, is it working now?

Hey Yambam, are you going to advertise the website/grow it?

That was it

Yo YamBam. Some of the games I uploaded just stay in the (uploading stage) not sure if I made a mistake of if the site glitched.

Awesome, it is like 100% times faster!

Yeah bro, very cool website. Just like yoyogames but better. It is a little slow though. What is the plan?

Ok I got it to work, I signed out of my account and logged back in and it was fine, I didn't really notice you said that before lol

I saved my password when I tried to log in earlier, that could have screwed with it?

it still does nothing xD

it still doesn't log me in :/

Hey I can't log into the forums with my information from this site, and I also can't register with my information from this site, please help I really love a good ol' forum :P

Also this place has become a little creepy...Some games are from the sandbox...and they have no profiles...maybe you could delete these and make a little easter egg out of this thing.

Sure I'll check it out!Also if you could add a 'New games',we could check
games easier!

thanks, and no problem :) it would be cool if in the future you added a reply feature by the way ;)

Finally games!

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